Digital Cake Design

May 24, 20232 min

Are customers wanting too much?

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Ive been making cakes for over 10 years, and one thing i've noticed in that time is that customers are wanting, possibly even expecting, more now than they ever did.

They want the most bang for their buck.

And it's completely understandable. When I think about buying something bespoke (cake is bespoke), I want to get as much as I can for the money I'm paying.

So the way I look at it is, we should offer more!

I don't mean giving away free cake, or making it more detailed than they have paid for, I mean in a way that won't affect our profit margins or take away our valuable time.

The perfect example of this would be a cake sketch! You may not agree yet but let me explain.

Sketching by hand takes time (a lot of time!), which as cake makers, time is in short supply. So I definitely dont recommend that, BUT I do recommend making it digital!

Sketching a cake with Procreate on the other hand will take no more than 10 minutes (once you know how of course). 10 minutes! That's all!

We all have 10 minutes spare, even if it's whilst the cake is in the oven, or whilst we're watching Netflix in the evening.

And once the customer sees the sketch, they will truly believe it took you ages to do, and they will appreciate the extra effort you made just for them. It's a bespoke cake sketch made just for them. They feel special. They feel like a valued customer and not just another booking in the diary. nd they feel like they go so much more for their money!

Happy customers leave great reviews, they tell other people how great you are, which in turn means more customers. And thats the goal right? More customers means more money which means a better business.

I hope you can see the benefit of digital age sketching, and that customers wanting more isn't always a bad thing.

Let me know your views in the comments.

Speak Soon

Savanna xx